The richest Poles 2014

Jan Kulczyk
Jan Kulczyk

Richest Poles’ assets has rose again. Each year the enterprising poles enjoy having more and more assets. Although the valuation of the assets of the leader of the league this year has not changed significantly, but invinibly still provides the title of the richest Pole to Jan Kulczyk (because it’s about him).

What the honorary Polish entrepreneur realy handle with? Contrary to the rumors about the passion for aviation, Kulczyk is a more interested in down-to-earth matters.


Recently, unputdownable reports have appeared on the internet , that the Krakow airport was bought by SABMiller – the owner of the company ‘Kompania Piwowarska’ (the main leader on the Polish beer market), whose main shareholder is Jan Kulczyk in the flesh. Undoubtedly, it is the cooperation with whis company, Kulczyk benefits most profits, however, it should be noted that the company is been currently relating to alcohol industry only and if you talk about diversification it is more variation in the types of beer than business dyversyfying by air-industry (for comparison – Kompania Piwowarska has a 38 % of stake in the Polish beer market , while Carlsberg Poland SA only slightly more than 15 % – meanwhile, it is famous for its extremely popular beer – Harnas – the drink most often chosen by tourists when visiting Zakopane.

Holland Park
Holland Park

The richest Polish Man rather targets in office and commercial property market in Eastern and Central Europe. But the real bag of the owner of a luxury office and retail-commercial 'Holland Park’ (complex located at Three Crosses Square in Warsaw) remains the already mentioned company SABMiller. So, officially let’s deny the rumor purportedly Jan Kulczyk would invest in any antique airplanes, krakow airports or any types of airport transfers.

 Zygmunt Solorz-Żak

Zygmunt Solorz-Żak
Zygmunt Solorz-Żak

The second in a row richest man in Poland is the founder of Polsat TV – Zygmunt Solorz-Żak. The entrepreneur, who three years ago took a risk and has assumed Polkomtel – Pthe polish telecommunication company based in Warsaw, the Plus mobile operator. Undoubtedly, this is a person who really love challenges. The appraisal of his riches has a strong upward trend. The transaction (waiting for the realization) of implementation designed to absorb telephone operator PLUS by Cyfrowy Polsat, will create opportunity for the company or rather for its shareholder to hog the highest place in that ranking. Especially since Cyfrowy Polsat will then be greater than his main opponent – the ORANGE group (formerly Telekomunikacja Polska) belonging to France Telecom.

Polish Music
Polish Music

As you can surmise, there is not short of rumors about the activities of Solorz. It is said about his supposed desire to take over the Polskie Radio SA. There were also reports that the entrepreneur was the owner of one of Katowice airport transfer companies, organizing transportation from the Katowice airport to Zakopane, and being a monopoly regarding issue of providing Katowice airport taxi to visitors. About the Polsat founder it is even said that he bought the whole company Agora SA – the owner of titles such as ‘Gazeta Wyborcza’, ‘Dziecko’ or ‘Metro’.

However, we deny these rumors and assure that the entrepreneur Zygmunt Solorz-Żak now occupies only (and maybe EVEN) industry of finances, communication and media in TV range.

 Leszek Czarnecki

 Leszek Czarnecki
Leszek Czarnecki

 Let’s move on to the third – closing the established business-sharks’ podium. Here comes Leszek Czarnecki – a man of finance and real property. The main shareholder and founder of companies inter alia such as Getin Noble Bank (formed of Getin Bank and Noble Bank merge) and Open Finance. Lately his bank considered as a ’ seasonal star ’ strengthened its position significantly and perhaps permanently joined to the forefront in terms of index price on the profit accuring on it, overhauling the foregoing leader once – BZ WBK .

In recent times the businessman is seen at the Krakow airport quite frequently. There have been reports of Czarniecki’s alleged plans of undertaking some great investment in the city center. However, these presumptions are not confirmed, we just have to wait and then wee’ll see. Only time will tell whether Krakow is a place profitable enough for the (nearly) richest man in Poland.

Michał Sołowow
Michał Sołowow

 The first – happy ten also includes: Michał Sołowow (construction and architecture , chemical industry), German Efromovich (transport and logistics), Dariusz Miłek (real property and shoe-industry), Anna Wozniak Starak and Jerzy Starak (food industry , pharmacy), Roman Karkosik ( chemical industry, metallurgical industry, automotive), Tomasz Domagala (electrical engineering) and Antoni Ptak (trade , textile industry).